mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

.:LAVAROCK CREATIONS:. Franky Double Sleeve Male Shirt and ..:: OPOPOP Design ::.. Fronzy V#1 Basic Mesh Wrist Wrap

Cool new creations for men comes from our sponsors!!!
Spice is wearing the charming "Franky Double Sleeve Male Shirt" by .: LAVAROCK CREATIONS:., very interesting  with many colors via hud and the beautiful "Fronzy V#1 Basic Mesh Wrist Wrap" by ..:: OPOPOP Design ::.., really special accessory for your perfect style!!!

: .:LAVAROCK CREATIONS:. - Franky Double Sleeve Male Shirt
3 Shirts compatible with Slink bodies, Adam, Gianni
3 Standard fitted t (l, m, s)
hud textures change with 15 options sleeve and shirt, with option to hide the sleeves.

Pants: .:LAVAROCK CREATIONS:. - Bloke Male Pants
hud with 6 different colors of pants

Wrist wrap: ..:: OPOPOP Design ::.. - Fronzy V#1 Basic Mesh Wrist Wrap
male and female sizes - hud 5 colors and resizer

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