giovedì 3 marzo 2016

Kunglers, Stitched Gods and Distorted Dreams creations @ J&A Expo 2016

At Jewelry & Accessory Expo 2016 you can find many creations of various different brands.
Sabrymoon is wearing the beautiful and special "Cabaret Top Hat" by Stitched Gods matched with the refined cigarette with mouthpiece "Une Clope" by Distorted Dreams. To complete the outfit you can see "Shani Earrings" by Kunglers, made with a fine metalwork and precious stones.
You should visit the Jewelry & Accessory Expo 2016, where for sure you will find many intriguing products!!!

All'evento Jewelry & Accessory Expo 2016 potete trovare tantissime creazioni di molti marchi diversi.
Sabrymoon indossa il bellissimo e particolare "Cabaret Top Hat" di Stitched Gods abbinato alla raffinata sigaretta con bocchino "Une Clope" di Distorted Dreams. Per completare l'outfit potete vedere gli "Shani Earrings" di Kunglers, realizzati con una bella lavorazione del metallo e delle pietre preziose.
Vi consigliamo di visitare il Jewelry & Accessory Expo 2016, dove sicuramente troverete tantissimi prodotti molto intriganti!!!

Earrings: Kunglers - Shani Earrings (J&A Expo 2016)
many colors available

Hat: Stitched Gods - Cabaret Top Hat (J&A Expo 2016)
many colors/models available

Cigarette: Distorted Dreams - Une Clope ivory/gold (J&A Expo 2016)
many colors/models available