domenica 6 dicembre 2015

Chemical Princess Gabriel Dress Blood @ Kinky Event and Sci-Fi Outfit for men

Today we present two recent creations by Chemical Princess and the women one is at Kinky Event.
Sabrymoon is wearing "Gabriel dress" in the "blood" version, a beautiful  sleeveless long dress on the style that distinguishes the creations of Chemical Princess, with a texture very nice and very "particular" at the bottom.
Spice is wearing "Sci-fi outfit" in the black version, a futuristic outfit consists of a one-piece suit and a hood that you can wear optionally in two different colors.
Two creations really very special and well done .. so you should visit Kinky Event for the dress worn by Sabrymoon and the Chemical Princess mainstore for Spice outfit or many other creations present for sale.

Oggi presentiamo due recenti creazioni di Chemical Princess e quella da donna è presente a Kinky Event.
Sabrymoon indossa "Gabriel dress" nella versione "blood", un bel vestito lungo e senza maniche, nello stile che contraddistingue le creazioni di Chemical Princess, con una texture molto bella e davvero "particolare" nella parte inferiore.
Spice indossa "Sci-fi outfit" nella versione black, un outfit futuristico composto da una tuta attillata e un cappuccio che si può indossare opzionalmente e in due colorazioni diverse.
Sono due creazioni davvero molto particolari e ben realizzate.. vi consigliamo quindi di visitare Kinky Event per l'abito indossato da Sabrymoon e il mainstore di Chemical Princess per l'outfit di Spice e molte altre creazioni in vendita.

Dress: Chemical Princess - Gabriel Dress Blood (@ Kinky Monthly event)
available in 6 different colors

Outfit: Chemical Princess - Sci-Fi Outfit Black
Comes in standard sizing and with two optional hoodies
available in 4 different colors and feets are also optional

Chemical Princess Mainstore

Chemical Princess Marketplace

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Chemical Princess Flickr

Kinky Monthly Event

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