martedì 20 ottobre 2015

Boutique 187 creations @ Pixra Event and Black Dot Project Event!!!!

Boutique 187 is always very active and at this period participates in two events, in which presents some special and crazy creations as usual.
At "Pixra" (weekly and Boutique 187 partecipates for 3 rounds) you can find the "Guitar Case Backpack" Gacha, in 10 common versions, 3 rares and 1 ultrarare (the one pictured).. resizable, beautiful and ultra refined! !! also are present the floral set called "Tehani" for the head and wrists and the sexy piercing with chain between nose and ear called "Boundhi" (with hud to choose 4 different colors)
At "The Black Dot Project" event instead you will find the funny "Smarty Tie" with hud to choose between two different styles, 8 tie colors and 3 metal colors, the fantastic and crazy "Doube Round Glasses" with 8 different colors and 16 types of glasses lenses (some really incredible!!!!) and the exclusive 'Round Dots Handbag " in 15 different colors...
The events are taking place, Boutique presents 187 incredible creations .. you just have to use the Teleport and do not miss these great products!!!!

Boutique 187 è sempre molto attiva e in questo momento partecipa a due eventi, in cui presenta delle creazioni naturalmente speciali e "crazy".
All'evento "Pixra" (settimanale e Boutique 187 partecipa per 3 round) potrete trovare il Gacha "Guitar Case Backpack", in 10 versioni normali, 3 rare e 1 ultrarara (quella nella foto).. ridimensionabile, bellissima e ultra rifinita!!! inoltre vengono presentati il set floreale "Tehani" per la testa e i polsi e il sexy piercing con catena tra naso e orecchio chiamato "Boundhi" (con hud per scegliere 4 colori diversi)
All'evento "The Black Dot Project" invece potrete trovare la divertente "Smarty Tie" con hud per scegliere tra 2 stili diversi e 8 colori della cravatta e 3 colori del metallo, i fantastici e pazzi "Doube Round Glasses" con 8 colori diversi e 16 tipi di lenti (alcune davvero incredibili!!!!) e l'esclusiva "Round Dots Handbag" in 15 colori diversi...
Gli eventi sono in corso, Boutique 187 presenta creazioni incredibili.. a voi non resta che usare il Teleport e non lasciarvi sfuggire questi bellissimi prodotti!!!!

Pixra Event LM
(weekly from friday to wednesday)

The Black Dot Project Event LM
 October 11th – November 4th

Guitar Case: Boutique 187 - The Guitar Case Backpack Gacha (@ Pixra Event)
Floral Set: Boutique 187 - Tehani Floral set (@ Pixra Event)
Piercing: Boutique 187 - Boundhi Nose Chain (@ Pixra Event)

Glasses: Boutique 187 - The Double Round Glasses (@ The Black Dot Project)
Tie: Boutique 187 - Smarty Tie (@ The Black Dot Project)
Bag: Boutique 187 - The Round Dots Handbag (@ The Black Dot Project)