venerdì 16 ottobre 2015

Dot-be and Hawker's House creations @ Swank October round

The current round of Swank continues throughout the month of October and the products that you can find surely satisfy your imagination!
Sabrymoon is wearing the creations by Hawker's House: the beautiful jacket called "Brigadier Violet", fascinating both for coloring and for the style, let see the belly, combined with a leather skirt really very short!!! A beautiful mix to create a feminine outfit, creative and very intriguing!
Spice is wearing an outfit by Dot-be called "Brody" which includes a nice jacket with vest and shirt and jeans: via the hud you can choose different colors and textures for each element of the outfit, so you can definitely satisfy your imagination!
Swank and these creations are waiting for you to enrich your wardrobe!!!

Il round attuale di Swank continua per tutto il mese di Ottobre e i prodotti che potete trovare soddisfano sicuramente ogni vostra fantasia!
Sabrymoon indossa delle creazioni di Hawker's House: la bellissima giacca chiamata "Brigadier Violet", molto affascinante sia per la colorazione che per lo stile lasciando intravedere la pancia, abbinata ad una gonna in pelle davvero molto corta!!! Un bellissimo abbinamento per creare un outfit femminile, creativo e molto intrigante!
Spice indossa un outfit di Dot-be chiamato "Brody" che comprende una bella giacca con panciotto e maglietta e dei jeans: tramite l'hud potete scegliere diversi colori e texture per ogni elemento che compone l'outfit, per cui potrete sicuramente sbizzarrire la vostra fantasia!
Swank e queste creazioni vi aspettano per arricchire il vostro guardaroba!!!

Skirt: Hawker's House - Zip lt Skirt Onyx (@ Swank October round)
Jacket: Hawker's House - Brigadier Jacket Violet (@ Swank October round)

Outfit: Dot-be - Brody Outfit (@ Swank October round)
includes jeans and jacket with vest and shirt
hud to change 4 colors jacket, 4 colors pants, 5 texture vest and 5 texture shirt

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